Monday, January 23, 2017

The Learning to Cope Poetry Prize Seeks Entries

Relaunching the Rondeau Roundup Blog with the Learning to Cope Poetry Prize!

The Rondeau Roundup blog is having a contest for the best poem in the Rondeau Redouble  form!  Our inspiration is the classic poem in the form by Wendy Cope:

Deadline: submitted by April 3, 2017.

Contest Rules:

Only one rondeau redouble may be submitted per person. No entry fee. Top five poems will be published on the blog ( The first place rondeau redouble will also receive a $100 gift card from Barnes and Noble.

For this contest, I'm looking for rondeau redoubles that follow the set rhyme scheme, as given at

Examples of the form:

No other poetic form will be accepted for this contest. 

Rondeau Redoubles inspired by themes found in the poems of Wendy Cope particularly welcome.

To enter, send a single rondeau redouble

rondeauroundupATgmailDOTcom (replace AT with @) by April 3, 2017.

Winners will be announced on the Rondeau Roundup Blog on April 15, 2017
